Hi, this is your Linux kernel regression tracker.
I noticed a regression report in bugzilla.kernel.org. As many (most?) kernel developer don't keep an eye on it, I decided to forward it by mail. Quoting from https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217084 :
Alberto Zin 2023-02-24 18:11:31 UTC
The issue I encountered is on a Roland VS-100:
it seems that snd_usb_audio module has broken the compatibility with the VS-100 at around kernel 5.11 time. After that kernel the interface is recognized only as a midi interface, on recent kernels there is only dummy audio device and no sound at all.
I have two alsa-info reports, on the same desktop pc:
working (my current setup, linux kernel 5.6.0-1055-oem): http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=a3378ecb0a258b4745827c693f4c0045fdb83847
non working (live, avlinux, 6.0.x): http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=99bcdd5a60281110a93317d09a11b9f4831f9701
in the non working case the interface is recognised by "lsusb", it is seen by "aconnect -l" but not by "aplay -l".
I'm willing to help testing as much as I can. Alberto
See the ticket for more details. There you noticed that Alberto retried with a vanilla kernel later and the problem happens there, too.
[TLDR for the rest of this mail: I'm adding this report to the list of tracked Linux kernel regressions; the text you find below is based on a few templates paragraphs you might have encountered already in similar form.]
BTW, let me use this mail to also add the report to the list of tracked regressions to ensure it's doesn't fall through the cracks:
#regzbot introduced: v5.4.59..v5.4.233 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217084 #regzbot title: alsa: Roland VS-100 stopped working #regzbot ignore-activity
This isn't a regression? This issue or a fix for it are already discussed somewhere else? It was fixed already? You want to clarify when the regression started to happen? Or point out I got the title or something else totally wrong? Then just reply and tell me -- ideally while also telling regzbot about it, as explained by the page listed in the footer of this mail.
Developers: When fixing the issue, remember to add 'Link:' tags pointing to the report (e.g. the buzgzilla ticket and maybe this mail as well, if this thread sees some discussion). See page linked in footer for details.
Ciao, Thorsten (wearing his 'the Linux kernel's regression tracker' hat) -- Everything you wanna know about Linux kernel regression tracking: https://linux-regtracking.leemhuis.info/about/#tldr If I did something stupid, please tell me, as explained on that page.