On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 01:44:48PM +0000, Mark Brown wrote:
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 02:25:38PM +0100, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 11:30:08AM +0000, Mark Brown wrote:
Why are we adding a separate DT node with no content for this? This is a single chip, we already know that the CODEC part is there from the DT telling us that the chip is there and what we decide is part of the CODEC is going to depend on what the OS running on the system is doing.
While it looks empty in the DT binding file, it's actually not empty once some standard properties are added to support audio-graph-card.
This tells me you're missing something in the binding defining the DAIs and...
Well it is described by the following document:
Previous revision of the codec also worked perfectly fine with the simple card binding, which does the DAI stuff differently:
A quick check of the other codecs suggested, that none of them descibes the graph based binding style. AFAIUI they could be used with it, though. So if you have a suggestion for a better binding document I can adopt this in the next version.
A real world example looks like this:
&cpcap { audio-codec { compatible = "motorola,cpcap-audio-codec"; #sound-dai-cells = <1>;
...that still doesn't require a compatible here.
I agree, that it's not required. Also the node is not required. Everything could be dumped into the main node. Many things are not required, but they make implementations easier and help in regards to DT readability and consistency. Having the compatible means, that all sub-functions _can_ be handled equally by the operating system. Not having the compatible means you _always_ need special handling for the audio codec. This basically makes the codec node different for the simple purpose of "because it is not strictly required". If we have a compatible node, other operating systems can still decide to ignore it, right?
-- Sebastian