Thank you very much for your always help.
I am using 3 SSIs (as I2S master mode) on iMX6SL for 3 different codec.
1) If I read iMX6SL reference manual correctly, I am deriving SSI sys_clock from pll4.
-- pll4 = Fref * (DIV_SELECT + NUM/DENOM) ** I am using a value of 786.432000 MHz
-- pll4_main_clk = pll4 / (PLL_AUDIOn: POST_DIV_SELECT) / CCM_ANALOG_MISC2n: MSB:LSB ** I am using a value of 196.608 MHz
-- SSI1_CLK_ROOT = pll4_main_clk / (CS1CDR: ssi1_clk_pred) / CS1CDR: ssi1_clk_podf ** I am using a value of 3.072 MHz (for 48k sampling rate)
2) As pll4_main_clk is global for all 3 SSIs, I think that we can *not* use 8k for ssi1 and 44.1k for ssi2, right? Because 8k and 44.1k requires different pll4 clock, right? -- However, as 48k, 32k, 16k, 8k can use same pll4, thus different SSI can use different sampling rate in this subset (48k, 32k, 16k, 8k). -- Same principle applies for 44.1k, 22.050, 11.025 subset of sampling rates.
Is my understanding correct?