On Wed, 09.09.09 16:14, Takashi Iwai (tiwai@suse.de) wrote:
I can confirm now that Audacious does indeed play correctly where it didn't before. However, using mplayer with the "-ao openal" switch still doesn't play correctly - in fact, it sounds the same as before - so it looks like OpenAL is actually doing things slightly differently than I thought. :/
Yes, likely. The app like openal is usually more sensible regarding latency, so "safe API" described there wasn't appropriate at all.
Hmm, so are you suggesting I should change that little text about the safe API subset I wrote?
Maybe a bit more addition would be helpful. The realtime apps do care the latency. So, obviously it's not the target of your description.
What I wrote is actually this:
"Do not touch buffering/period metrics unless you have specific latency needs. Develop defensively, handling correctly the case when the backend cannot fulfill your buffering metrics requests. Be aware that the buffering metrics of the playback buffer only indirectly influence the overall latency in many cases. i.e. setting the buffer size to a fixed value might actually result in practical latencies that are much higher."
i.e. it already says "... unless you have specific latency needs". The point of this is that RT apps should of course set the buffer size, however stuff like media players where the latency does not matter at all should not request artificially low latencies and thus decrease battery time needlessly.
So, users should always set first the buffer size, followed by the period size, is that correct?
Yes, in general, this order gives more chance for a larger buffer size. But, if you specify both buffer and period sizes, there shouldn't be much difference. Specifying the buffer size is especially good if you don't give any period size.
The situation is improved now with 1.0.21a since I changed the determination order in alsa-lib. You'll get the largest buffer size as default with 1.0.21a (let's see whether this gives any regressions ;) But, if portability matters, setting thebuffer size would be safer.
This sounds good to me. Defaulting to large buffer sizes is certainly good for power consumption.