At Mon, 18 Jul 2011 14:42:55 +0200, Julian Sikorski wrote:
I tried, but without much success [2] - I came up with 0x01111xxx, but I do not have enough understanding on what to put as the last 3 numbers.
The last three numbers are pretty important, so check the HD-audio specification.
The specification [3] says the last 3 are misc, default association and sequence. So what I have now:
- misc: not sure here, since 3 out of 4 bits are reserved. 4th one
should be 0 though, since the port has jack sensing functionality.
- default association: 3, as the working jacks have that set to 3
- sequence: since the working lfe has it set to 0 (center/lfe) and f
(surround), I guess any value in between should work. I am not sure if my reasoning is right though.
The sequence number is the point. The driver assumes that the pins are ordered as front/CLFE/rear/side.
But, currently the multi-io assignment doesn't check the sequence number (because that number refers to the sequence of input pins). The extra channels are assigned in the order of widget NIDs (first from line-in pins, then mic-in pins). Its logic assumes that there are at most two valid input-pins.
That being said, you'd need to modify the driver anyway to make it working properly as I mentioned early in this thread, if a certain channel-map is required.