On Monday, December 01, 2014 05:51:00 PM Mark Brown wrote:
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On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:27:52PM +0100, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
On Saturday, November 29, 2014 11:52:09 AM Mark Brown wrote:
There's the PRP0001 ID that can be use to in combination with the "compatible" property which then works the same way as for DT.
That should be sufficient if the properties are going to be the same for ACPI (_DSD) and DT.
We've got people making BIOSs right now for systems you can actually buy=20 that are intended to run Windows which we need to support; right now the pressing problem I'm seeing is that we've got BIOS vendors not using properties at all and we're going to be ending up with configuration coming from big DMI tables instead which is miserable, Windows is perfectly happy to have custom drivers installed per machine. Do we know if Windows supports PRP0001 as it currently stands?
No, it doesn't.
Separate device IDs are necessary for Windows compatibility AFAICS.
OK, then PRP0001 is a complete non-starter for the applications I'm looking at.
But that also means any device ID registered by us won't be suitable in that case, because Windows won't use it.
The dream here is that people working on building systems, people working on Windows drivers and people working on Linux drivers will at some point be able to collaborate. If we're going to go off and do our own thing for Linux without talking to anyone that's not really addressing the issue.
Well, that's already going on in the DT land, isn't it? It has been going on for quite a while AFAICS.
There are two different problems here, though. The first one is a way to provide the existing Linux drivers with the information expected by them via ACPI and that's what _DSD (plus PRP0001 optionally) is. The second one is to be able to handle systems with ACPI tables from a random vendor who only cares about Windows and that's more difficult to address, because our ecosystem is different from theirs.
There basically are two ways around that. The first one is to have all knowledge related to device IDs in drivers (which effectively is what Windows does and which implies "board files" of sorts) and the second one is to make it possible to use overlays on top of the existing ACPI tables that will allow people to provide the properties expected by a more generic driver (this way, if the vendor didn't care to provide _DSD, for example, in the original ACPI tables, the system integrator would be able to use an overlay in an initramfs or boot partition to amend them).
There's also the option that Windows drivers start using _DSD themselves which is, I understand, the goal towards which the people working on at least audio are heading.
Technically, Windows driver writers can evaluate _DSD and handle the information the way we do, but I'm not sure if this is really convenient for them.
We use _DSD, because we want drivers to work with DT as well with ACPI without adding special DT-specific or ACPI-specific code to them. The people who work on Windows drivers don't have this problem, so as I said, if they care about Linux at all, that may be a good enough motivation for them to look at _DSD, but if they don't, I honestly don't see why they would do that.
There is a plan to do the latter, but that is going to take some time to complete.
Like I keep saying we have people trying to ship systems now, you can buy affected systems already and there's going to be more coming and I'm not convinced it's going to be fun for system integrators (distros?) to have to quirk every system that comes out.
I'm not sure what we can do to prevent the above from happening, realistically. Yes, we are late. No, we can't speed up things too much AFAICS.
This is a reasonable idea but we do need it to be compatible with Windows and we still need to make sure we have a process in place that BIOS authors and driver authors focused on Windows can reasonably be expected to work with. That's not something we have right now for DT (our DT process involves contributing to Linux) so the problem remains effectively the same.
We can't make Windows use our stuff and they have a different model (a custom driver per device ID vs a common driver per IP block possibly matching multiple device IDs).
The hardware already doesn't match the Windows model well here, it's causing them some problems too (and it's making life miserable for the CODEC vendors who want to ship both Windows and Linux drivers too). We should at least try to pull things together so we get something that works for everyone; in Linux we have quite a bit of experience with this sort of system which we can hopefully share with the Windows people to help make everyone's lives better.
That would be a great outcome, but I'm kind of cautious here ...
One of the things that would help this would be if we were able to give people a way to write their ACPI tables in a way that is likely to both work well for us and avoid lots of make work for the Windows people.
Note that all this discussion is pretty much about drivers for single devices which can be wired into the system in a flexible manner, even in a Windows world you won't vary the device ID. At present we're quirking on DMI.
So the answer to that in my view is: Use _DSD and allocate your own device IDs for Windows drivers to bind to.
We also need a way of getting the word out to people that they should be doing this (also a problem no matter if we use PRP0001 or something UEFI specific).
What do you mean by "something UEFI specific"?
Sorry, I mean ACPI specific (UEFI forum).
Do you mean a special device ID of some sort, then?
Otherwise, a new device ID needs to be allocated for the device and _HID should return that ID. Also, if the device is compatible with another device with an already allocated ID (for _HID), _CID may return the devic=
e ID
of the compatible device. [Of course, it's better if _HID is the same for identical devices.]
I honestly don't see BIOS authors as being likely to care about adding things to the CID if their systems are working (I'm assuming that HID is the primary device ID and CID are further backup compatible IDs).
They will if they care to be compatible with old (binary) OSes that didn't know about the new device ID, but shipped drivers that could handle the device (although possibly in a "crippled" way).
It's not just the device IDs you need, it's the properties too.
I suppose you have some specific examples in mind that I may not be familiar with and we may spend an arbitrary amount of time speaking past each other. :-)
I'm quite confident that _DSD can be used to address the problem at hand, but for that it needs to be adopted by platform firmware writers. I personally have no power to make that happen and even then it would not be realistic to expect that to happen overnight.
Overlays can be used as a workaround here, but as I said it is going to take some time to make them work reliably enough.
That's where we are today. Do you have any suggestions on what else we can do?