alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf issue #179 was opened from plbossart:
[plb@fedora ~]$ alsaucm -c sof-soundwire set _verb HiFi ALSA lib main.c:826:(execute_sequence) unable to execute cset 'name='PGA2.0 2 Master Capture Switch' 0' ALSA lib main.c:2573:(set_verb_user) error: failed to initialize new use case: HiFi
There's not such thing as a switch here:
amixer -Dhw:0 sget 'PGA2.0 2 Master',0 Simple mixer control 'PGA2.0 2 Master',0 Capabilities: cvolume Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right Limits: Capture 0 - 80 Front Left: Capture 80 [100%] [30.00dB] Front Right: Capture 80 [100%] [30.00dB]
In addition, it makes no sense to use an SOF control to set the volume/switch on the headset codec side. The volume control should be done in the codec, not in the SOF firmware.
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