2012/3/17, Adam Williamson awilliam@redhat.com:
Welp, pretty much as the topic says.
I just noticed today that sound is no longer playing from the internal speakers of my laptop, a 2010 model Sony Vaio Z. Plugging in headphones causes sound to be played fine through those. There are three possible choices for 'Connector' - 'Analog Speakers', 'Analog Output', and 'Analog Headphones' - but none of these seems to make sound come out of the internal speakers. The default is 'Analog Speakers', and when it's set to this, headphone output does work when headphones are plugged in.
I've verified that it's broken on Fedora 16 kernels 3.2.6-4, 3.2.8-3 and 3.2.10-1. It's also broken in a very recent Fedora 17 kernel, 3.3.0rc6 or so. It works on a Fedora 16 live image, with kernel 3.1.0-1. Unfortunately the kernels before 3.2.6 have been trashed from Fedora's buildsystem archives, I think, so it's hard to narrow things down any further :/
the alsa-info output is http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=368e2359757b537d4daa0f5399830d3942540196 .
it is a bug if sound preference allow user to select speaker when auto-mute mode is enabled (the speaker is automatically muted by the driver when you plug the headphone)
Does the laptop surround51 by retasking two mic jacks and headphone ?
Simple mixer control 'Auto-Mute Mode',0 Capabilities: enum Items: 'Disabled' 'Enabled' Item0: 'Enabled' Simple mixer control 'Channel Mode',0 Capabilities: enum Items: '2ch' '4ch' '6ch' Item0: '2ch' Simple mixer control 'Input Source',0 Capabilities: cenum Items: 'Internal Mic' 'Mic' 'Mic 1' Item0: 'Internal Mic'