Hi Tony
This looks a little bit strange for me. Can you show me your DT for it ?
Sure, adding also Sebastian to Cc. Here's what I currently have for droid 4 dts with two codecs on I2S. Please just ignore the GNSS parts there..
The TDM configuration is all done in the cpcap_audio_codec via set_tdm_slot(). The modem voice call codec is a serdev driver :) I'll need some more time to be able to post patches but it's basically working for voice calls.
Hmm... it seems strange... I guess you are using "ti,omap4-mcbsp" driver (= linux/sound/soc/omap/omap-mcbsp.c) Is this correct ?
If so, your driver is registering component as
ret = devm_snd_soc_register_component(&pdev->dev, &omap_mcbsp_component, &omap_mcbsp_dai, 1);
Your driver has only 1 DAI.
mcbsp3_port: port {
cpu_dai3: endpoint {
};cpu_dai3: endpoint@0 { dai-format = "dsp_a"; frame-master = <&cpcap_audio_codec1>; bitclock-master = <&cpcap_audio_codec1>; remote-endpoint = <&cpcap_audio_codec1>;
cpu_dai_mdm: endpoint@1 {
dai-format = "dsp_a";
frame-master = <&cpcap_audio_codec1>;
bitclock-master = <&cpcap_audio_codec1>;
remote-endpoint = <&mot_mdm6600_audio_codec0>;
And here, you have 1 port, 2 endpoint. Then, asoc_simple_card_get_dai_id() should return 1.
And, your [2/2] patch, I guess you are misunderstanding about "port" vs "endpoint", or omap-mcbsp driver side need to update ?
Best regards --- Kuninori Morimoto