On Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 09:42:34AM +0800, Jun Nie wrote:
So I need implement dai link in machine audio card driver, while not use simple card and device tree initialization. In this way, I surely can embed HDMI audio codec in HDMI driver. Is that right?
I'm sorry, I don't entirely follow what you're saying here.
I had try to initialize audio all from dts, so need a HDMI codec dt node to connect with DAI. However, I cannot find a way to create an independent HDMI CODEC dt node because it is brought up from HDMI driver. If my above understanding is correct, a machine level DAI link shall resolve this issue with dropping simple card and DAI link in dts. Thanks for your comments!
If the HDMI encoder is simple I'd expect it to be possible to use it with simple-card. If it isn't then we can look at why.
BTW: HDMI driver is far from mature, so you did not see HDMI function implementation in this patch serial.
Sure, no problem.