xerofoify wrote:
Do anyone known of the best way to test this function, ac97_fp_rec_volume_put. Seems there may be a bug in it.
What bug?
I do have the hardware so that's not a issue just wondering what the different between fp_rec and the standard get functions are in terms of testing.
The other functions use five bits, this one uses three bits.
(The AC'97 spec says the REC_GAIN register has four bits for the volume; I don't know where the difference comes from.)
And the REC_GAIN register should affect all recorded signals going through the AC'97 mixer (all except line in).
Further more I am assuming this has to do with the fp headphones switch but I don't have headphones that are fp so is there another way to test this particular function without checking sound levels.
You could connect any microphone to the front panel connector.
Or check the AC'97 registers in /proc/asound/cardX/oxygen.
Regards, Clemens