8 Oct
8 Oct
3:07 p.m.
On Thursday 08 October 2009 15:30:29 Nurkkala Eero.An (EXT-Offcode/Oulu) wrote:
On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 13:58 +0200, Valentin Eduardo (Nokia-D/Helsinki)
- TPA6130 volume. From -59.5 to 4 dB with increasing step size when
going + * down in gain. Justify scale so that it is quite correct from -20 dB and + * up. This setting shows -30 dB at minimum, -12.95 dB at 49 % (actual + * is -10.3 dB) and 4.65 dB at maximum (actual is 4 dB).
- */
The comment is misleading from all it says. For me it seems that the scale is quite correct from -59.5 to 4 dB or so. Also the minimum is -59.5 dB, not -30.
Yes, the scale is really close to the reality, the comment need to be fixed.
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