3 Sep
3 Sep
7:33 a.m.
Subject: Re: [alsa-devel] [PATCHv2 1/4] ASoC: simple-card: add asoc_simple_card_fmt_master() to simplify the code.
Hi Xiubo
Yes your patch has fixed the bug Jyri has pointed out.
So I has discard my [PATCHv2 1/4] patch.
Please send your patch out to replace this one.
Please send it out of your local patch.
Please also consider the ideas about Jyri, Jean-Francios, Varka and Takashi's advice as previous emails about my patch.
OK, will do. To avoid confusion/conflict, I will post it after Mark applied it. Because many simple-card patches are posted in these days...
Yes, Get it.
BRs Xiubo