Hi Mark
Thank you for your feedback
amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 100% // Mute as default amixer set "DVC Out Ramp Period" 80%
Normally this would be expressed as an enum with some sort of time units. We did discuss at the mini-summit making a standard way of expressing this but nobody did that yet.
OK, I can be a 1st guy :) The HW setting is like below
value: mean 00000: 128 dB/1 step 00001: 64 dB/1 step 00010: 32 dB/1 step ... 10101: 0.125 dB/2048 steps 10110: 0.125 dB/4096 steps 10111: 0.125 dB/8192 steps
Current "DVC Out Ramp Period" wants to have direct value of register. But, upstream want to have time like this ?
amixer set "DVC Out Ramp Period" 15000 // 15sec
aplay xxx.wav & amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 0% // to Volume 100% amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 100% // to Mute
I'm not sure I quite understand this control - what exactly is this setting? It appears that the ramp value is the opposite of the volume we end up with which is a bit odd and the comments suggest that this is actually triggering a ramp when normally ramps would be done as part of a volume set, mute or power up/down operation.
Current "DVC Out Ramp" want to have direct value of register. It is...
000: 1 time ... 031: 0.5 time ... 3FE: 4.1 x 10^-7 time 3FF: Mute
Maybe I can used inverted value for it ?
amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 100% // to Volume 100% amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 0% // to Mute