Hi there. Following problem, details below:
I can't record anything using the microphone which is integrated into my USB webcam. The cam shows up as a device, and I can adjust the only available mixer which is for <Mic> in [Capture]. It's not muted and it's maxed out.
Alsa-info output: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f12fd357bc269d27ebdb4b5d562227bbe22a1086
You might notice the device comes up as [default]. If I run...
$ arecord -Dplughw:1,0 -f cd -vv /dev/null or $ arecord -Ddefault -f cd -vv /dev/null
then it out puts a lot of stuff (both the same) which I pasted in the below pastebin, but at the bottom it doesn't show any #'s and %'s to indicate the volume. The blue light on the webcam also turns on. If I save to a file instead of /dev/null and aplay it, it's just silence. Here's the output from the above command: http://pastie.org/521697
Although if I run
$ arecord -Dhw:1,0 -f cd -vv /dev/null
then it fails with:
-> Recording WAVE '/dev/null' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo -> arecord: set_params:984: Channels count non available"
I made a screenshot illustrating that everything is turned up and unmuted: http://omploader.org/vMXZldg
- Switching the two devices so that 0 becomes the webcam and 1 the intel-hda through modprobe.conf but that had no other effect other than the switching. - Playing a lot with the device, muting, triplechecking volumes etc. etc. - Trying recording something in audacity. First time, the light goes on but it doesn't record, on subsequent tries, audacity spits an error stating "error opening sound device". - Trying it in linphone, light turns on, but other party can't hear anything.
Any ideas how to fix hits? Btw, it used to work in ubuntu 9.04 for some reason. Tried it on two Archlinux boxes, it's exactly the same on both. But everything works really, everything is very up to date (I'm sure ubuntu has older versions of stuff). Well, all the info is in the alsa-info link above. Hope I can work this out!
Thanks for any input!