24 Oct
24 Oct
7:15 a.m.
alsa-project/tinycompress pull request #26 was opened from TE-N-ShengjiuWang:
This 'caccel' applicaton is a demo to show how to call the new introduced accel interface.
The kernel patch is: ALSA: compress_offload: introduce accel operation mode
As there is conflict when using the API of alsa-lib, add alsa_wrap file to separate the header files: alsa/asoundlib.h sound/asound.h
command for conversion to 48kHz: caccel -i in.wav -o out.wav -r 48000
Request URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/tinycompress/pull/26 Patch URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/tinycompress/pull/26.patch Repository URL: https://github.com/alsa-project/tinycompress