On Fri, Aug 05, 2022 at 12:42:59PM +0200, Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
On 05. 08. 22 12:26, Takashi Sakamoto wrote:
Hi Jaroslav,
I apologize to be late for reply to the message, but I'm under heavy load to publish Rust crates recent few months.
On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 03:35:40PM +0200, Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
On 26. 05. 22 14:58, Takashi Sakamoto wrote:
Later I'd like to use Jekyll backend of github pages[1]. Would I ask you to grant my privilege in the repository so that I can add configuration for it? I think the same privilege set in libhinawa-docs is enough.
It seems that it's just a configuration file which is stored in the repository, so the standard github pages setup should be sufficient.
Indeed. I can publish github pages with Jekyll backend with the concise way just to put `_config.yml` and markdown files without such privilege.
Anyway, I made you as maintainer of this gobject-introspection-docs repo, so you should do more changes in it, if you like.
Thanks for your arrangement, however I can see my privilege in repository settings just for archived alsa-gobject-docs...
Anyway I'm not so eager to have the privilege now since it's enough at present.
By the way, now I published 30 Rust library crates in crates.io, enumerated in this page:
Currently I'm an owner of the crates, while I'd like to prepare the possibility to grant ownership to the other developers for future accident. Then I'm investigating to use "team" owner feature of crates.io service.
For the feature, the service of crates.io needs to query team membership in github.com, but the service should be permitted it by github service.
According to the above document, the way to grant the permission seems to be either to remove crates.io from the blacklist or add crates.io to the whitelist of organization's third-party access page.
If you, organization manager, don't mind OAuth access from crates.io, I'd like to request it via my github account. I guess that alsa-project organization currently has no effective configuration to third-party application access policy. When I requested it, you can see something new in the page of policy, then I'd like you to grand the access. When granted, I will operate settings for the crates to add team owner.
It seems that 'maintainer' priviledges are not enough - changed to 'admin' for your account in the gobject-introspection-docs repo.
Thanks for your kindness. I can now see settings page itself and many items in it.
I have no objections for the OAuth access from crates.io .
Ok. Just now I sent the request to organization. I'm waiting for the acceptance notification.
Takashi Sakamoto