-----Original Message----- On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:24:47PM +0300, Phil Carmody wrote:
Can you just make that minimal change, and diff the objdump of the
two .o's?
It would be worth a bug-report against the toolchain if different
was being generated. If objdump spews huge numbers of diffs (due to one address changing and pushing everything else out of kilter), then feel free to forward both .o's or both objdumps to me, and I can run
script over them, which knows to ignore unimportant address changes.
See Arnd's followup - this looks like a collision with the get_signal macro in signal.h.
With my language-lawyer hat on, I'd suggest ``(get_signal)'' to prevent the macro expansion:
/tmp$ cat crap.c
#define fnlikemacro(foo) foo+
int x(int y) { int (fnlikemacro) = y; return fnlikemacro(y)(fnlikemacro); }
/tmp$ gcc -E crap.c
int x(int y) { int (fnlikemacro) = y; return y+(fnlikemacro); }
(and yes, that compiles.)
However, it's more tempting (i.e. sensible) to just rename the one with the weaker claim to the name.