8 May
8 May
4:45 p.m.
On 5/7/20 5:03 PM, Radoslaw Biernacki wrote:
Map the buttons from the Android reference headset to KEY_PLAYPAUSE, KEY_VOICECOMMAND, KEY_VOLUMEUP, and KEY_VOLUMEDOWN. KEY_PLAYPAUSE is used instead of KEY_MEDIA for BTN_0 as it is more logical and have much broader userspace support. Like Chrome OS use it to play/pause of video and audio. KEY_PLAYPAUSE is also supported by Android (USB headset spec requires KEY_PLAYPAUSE for BTN_0.) https://source.android.com/devices/accessories/headset/usb-headset-spec
Signed-off-by: Chinyue Chen chinyue@chromium.org Signed-off-by: Benson Leung bleung@chromium.org Signed-off-by: Radoslaw Biernacki rad@semihalf.com
Acked-by: Pierre-Louis Bossart pierre-louis.bossart@linux.intel.com