I would like to know how GPIO works within the kernel and how it inerfaces with my HDA soundcard. The specification has good details about verbs. But GPIO is not described very good.
Bests, Joël
On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 2:16 AM, Joël Krähemann weedlight@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all
First of all, I am new to kernel programming and an other attempt already failed to do so.
However I got familiar with the Intel HDA Codec specification. So I did a start script to log dmesg and mixer controls of different configurations.
But I am not sure if I got a functional kernel driver setup to test things. It seems there is something wrong.
The codec has 8 GPIOs and first I didn't set any mask within the kernel. Now, I just compile a kernel set it to 0xff.
Any help is appreciated. Finally here is my work:
Note: I have tried to subscribe using a different email address but didn't get approved message.
Thank you, Joël