In my occasional, but ongoing, quest to try to debug some of the non- functioning audio on newer Roland/Boss devices, I've managed to get hold of a Roland SD-50 to do some comparisons.
The lsusb -v and the aplay -L output for the SD-50 are attached.
This device works with jack if I use a sample rate of 44100, buffer size 256, 3 periods/buffer. I can record and playback with no obvious issues.
However, I can't seem to get this device working directly with ALSA. If I try playing back via audacity, the meter bars move, but there's no audio output.
If I try aplay as follows: aplay -Dplughw:CARD=SD50 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
It pauses for a second as if it's playing, but I get no audio output. If I use the -v flag for aplay I get the following: Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono Plug PCM: Rate conversion PCM (44100, sformat=S16_LE) Converter: linear-interpolation Protocol version: 10002 Its setup is: stream : PLAYBACK access : RW_INTERLEAVED format : S16_LE subformat : STD channels : 1 rate : 48000 exact rate : 48000 (48000/1) msbits : 16 buffer_size : 24000 period_size : 6000 period_time : 125011 tstamp_mode : NONE period_step : 1 avail_min : 6000 period_event : 0 start_threshold : 24000 stop_threshold : 24000 silence_threshold: 0 silence_size : 0 boundary : 6755399441055744000 Slave: Route conversion PCM (sformat=S24_3LE) Transformation table: 0 <- 0 1 <- 0 Its setup is: stream : PLAYBACK access : MMAP_INTERLEAVED format : S16_LE subformat : STD channels : 1 rate : 44100 exact rate : 44100 (44100/1) msbits : 16 buffer_size : 22051 period_size : 5513 period_time : 125011 tstamp_mode : NONE period_step : 1 avail_min : 5513 period_event : 0 start_threshold : 16539 stop_threshold : 22051 silence_threshold: 0 silence_size : 0 boundary : 6206804711446675456 Slave: Hardware PCM card 2 'SD-50' device 0 subdevice 0 Its setup is: stream : PLAYBACK access : MMAP_INTERLEAVED format : S24_3LE subformat : STD channels : 2 rate : 44100 exact rate : 44100 (44100/1) msbits : 24 buffer_size : 22051 period_size : 5513 period_time : 125011 tstamp_mode : NONE period_step : 1 avail_min : 5513 period_event : 0 start_threshold : 16539 stop_threshold : 22051 silence_threshold: 0 silence_size : 0 boundary : 6206804711446675456 appl_ptr : 0 hw_ptr : 0
I'm trying to work out why I'm unable to get any audio output with ALSA directly, whilst it happily works with Jack. Any pointers are gratefully received.