Em Qui, 2008-10-30 às 12:06 +0000, Mark Brown escreveu:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 09:40:17AM -0200, Daniel Ribeiro wrote:
Here are my test results for stereo S16_LE audio:
set_tdm_slot(cpu_dai, 1, 2), SSCR0_Datasize(16): Only left channel works.
+ Silent output on right channel.
set_tdm_slot(cpu_dai, 2, 2), SSCR0_Datasize(16): No I/O.
Could you expand on what you mean by "No I/O" here - do you get silent output or does DMA not work either?
DMA dont work.
set_tdm_slot(cpu_dai, 3, 2), SSCR0_Datasize(16): Only left channel works.
+ Silent output on right channel.
set_tdm_slot(cpu_dai, 1, 1), SSCR0_Datasize(16) | SSCR0_EDSS: Both channels work.
Just a thought, but you should also be able to get things working by adding a constraint on the format in your machine driver to force use of 32 bit - see things like the WM8903 driver for examples of how to this. Ideally that shouldn't be required, though.
I havent tried this yet, but if I set the codec driver to S32_LE shouldnt it change the audio data format? According to the information I have on this codec it only works with 16 bits audio format.
On my board CLK and FRM are driven by the codec, pxa is slave. I have no specs for the codec, only a 2.4 kernel driver that works with (SSCR0_Datasize(16) | SSCR0_EDSS | SSCR0_SlotsPerFrm(1)).
Which codec is this? Could you post the driver?
Its a motorola ASIC called PCAP2, it does a lot more than sound, and is used on almost all Motorola phones (including WinCE and P2K phones) from 2004~2007.
BTW, your mail client is doing some really strange indentation here and indenting the first line of each paragraph by a tab which looks like how some other clients do quotation.
Sorry, im used to indent each paragraph with a tab, its not my mail client, its me. :)