28 Jan
28 Jan
2 p.m.
My codec has 2 ports, PCM1 and PCM2 ports. PCM2 port is used for playback and capture operations and PCM1 is connected to Modem. The ASoC driver has to configure, enable and disable PCM1 port during voice call activity.
I am thinking of following two options to configure PCM1 port:
1. AlSA Mixer control: Create mixer control and provide options like VOICE_HS, VOICE_IHF, VOICE_EP and VOICE_DISABLE. Application will use one of the option to Configure the PCM1 port.
2. IOCTL : Application invokes IOCTL in hardware specific driver code and then it enables PCM1 port (cross-path DAPM ?)
Which is the best way to implement it? Are there any other existing way to implement it?
Thanks Ramesh