24 Nov
24 Nov
4:58 p.m.
alsa-project/alsa-plugins pull request #14 was opened from aditpape:
Commit 72337f1dcb2df6a2b7fdae93e88d7dd3a7e97ab4 forces ALSA period size to be exact multiple of the JACK daemon period size. There are good reasons to align the period size, but completely disallowing non aligned periods is too restrictive. This patch adds an option "align_psize" which allows to optionally revert to original behavior.
Signed-off-by: Andreas Pape apape@de.adit-jv.com
Request URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-plugins/pull/14 Patch URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-plugins/pull/14.patch Repository URL: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-plugins