On 2016年09月20日 05:48, Takashi Iwai wrote:
On Sat, 17 Sep 2016 16:49:26 +0200, Takashi Sakamoto wrote:
Currently, this test program uses invalid array for threshold level information.
What do you mean exactly here as "threshold level"? This term is fairly unclear to me and I don't remember of it being defined properly although you seem to have started using in some comments.
Aha. Now I got it.
I interpreted 'TLV' as 'Threshold LeVel', and it's completely my misreading. Actually, TLV is mainly used to describe the relationship between Linear/dB representation, However, in a design of ALSA control interface, 'TLV' means a data structure with Type/Length/Value. So this line expect the TLV packet is larger than two members for the T and the L. http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/tiwai/sound.git/tree/sound/core/...
I have scarcely realized my mistakes. I'll revise this patchset with a new one to update control interface description...
Takashi Sakamoto