On 06/08/2010 01:02 AM, Daniel Mack wrote:
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 12:35:04AM -0700, Josh Lehan wrote:
Hello. On the mailing list a few months ago, mentioned a program I had written, then called "midicat". Found out there's another product by that name. So, the new name of the program is "amidicat". The "a" prefix also clarifies that it's an ALSA program.
It's a program that connects the ALSA MIDI sequencer to standard input and output. Among other things, this is fun for prototyping quick MIDI one-liners on the command line, such as "echo 903C7F | amidicat" to play Middle C.
I have made a new release of the program, which is basically unchanged, except for a few bug fixes (thanks to Valgrind for discovering a minor memory leak). The biggest improvement is that there's now a manual page and a DocBook documentation page.
Here's the webpage for amidicat, if interested:
Again, thanks. Any chance that any Debian maintainer reading this can take care for bringing this useful tool to the repositories?
You're welcome!
On the mailing list a while ago, Takashi Iwai mentioned it would be nice to have in alsa-utils.
That would be a great place for it, and it would fit in well with the other "a" tools there.
Then, all repositories would get it, not just Debian :)
Josh Lehan