On 05/08/15 16:27, Russell King - ARM Linux wrote:
On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 04:16:08PM +0300, Jyri Sarha wrote:
On 2015-04-02 12:22, Russell King wrote:
For what I can see, you are setting the cross dependency between the sample rate and channels incorrectly.
There is a dependency between sample rate and channels.
You should look for the currently tested channel count directly from hw params.
I'm not so sure that's right after looking at snd_ac97_pcm_double_rate_rules(). That's pretty much the same problem - AC'97 codecs can operate at a sample rate of either the bus frame frequency or twice the bus frame frequency.
Maybe digging the channels from intervals works too, I have just never used that myself. The param_channels() works too and it is slightly simpler.