28 Jun
28 Jun
6:35 p.m.
On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 09:03:25AM -0700, Randy Dunlap wrote:
On 6/28/21 6:02 AM, Mark Brown wrote:
Please don't send content free pings and please allow a reasonable time for review. People get busy, go on holiday, attend conferences and so
a. The entire email/patch was there. Should I put the ping _after_ the patch? Would that help?
Never send content free pings of any kind. There's an "and" there. Quoted patches can't be applied.
b. What do you consider a reasonable time? The patch was sent 28 days prior to this gentle ping.
As the mail you are replying to suggests this depends on the patch, some things are more urgent than others, and in any case like I say content free pings no matter how content free are just nose.