I manged to get sound working again while playing arround with hdaretask. but initially i tried setting up the outputs as suggest, which didn't giveanything, then a then I tried setting 0.15 as internal
speaker also.
For the first few seconds there where no sound, and then the sound slowly
started to increase, but not the sound i was playing just some noise, not continously but.. erhm like this:
I was not able to kill the sound even when muting all channels in alsa
then I removed all overrides (expect ch0x18), after clicking apply the
repeating periodic sound dis-apered, and I was able to play sound.
So now I am able to play sound through the internal speaker I have toggled ho_mic_detect=false, set model=auto.
You have to post output of alsa-info.sh for your patched driver if it work
Do you mean you cannot get correct impedence value for your jacks ?