At Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:07:40 +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 03:37:25PM +0200, David Henningsson wrote:
I'm still new in the community in that sense that I'm not sure how decisions are made. But I could use the outcome of such a decision.
So, I'm still not 100% sure what the actual technical issue is here?
The device permissions. They are set inaccessible from the normal desktop user as default.
For options 2a) and 2b) I guess the existing /dev/input thing should be deprecated and/or removed. So part of decision should maybe be based on information about how widespread the usage of these devices are currently...?
There's a reasonable amount of usage in the embedded space.
Do they use udev? And don't they need to tweak the device permissions of these input-jack devices on the fly per user?