At Sun, 14 Oct 2007 22:53:03 -0400, Peter Skensved wrote:
I've come across a problem with the 1.0.15rc3 alsa driver on my Lenovo 3000 N100 laptop using the auto mute feature - it appears to work backwards ! Plugging in the headphones unmutes the external speakers and unplugging the heaphones mutes them ...
Changing the if statement in line ~600 in patch_analog.c in ad1986a_update_hp to
if (!spec->jack_preset)
makes it work the intended way. ( spec->jack_present changes state _before_ the call to ad1986a_hp_automute )
Hmm, the code logic looks correct to me. If HP jack is present, the internal speaker should be muted. Otherwise it follows the state of HP jack (muted/unmuted, that acts as a master switch).
Is jack_present set/reset correctly when HP jack is plugged/unplugged at all? Or, the pin NID is swapped, or any other reason?