It would be a mistake to remove S32_LE from the format list.
If you removed that, then we wouldn't be able to do 32 bit native playback
- it would force users to go through an ALSA plugin.
If you look at the cs42448 data sheet for example, the I2S and TDM bus uses a 32 bit word size. For that reason, native S32_LE format is handled by the codec. While the codec only uses the 24 MSBs, the I2S bus is 32 bit.
This case is covered by S24_LE I think. The S32_LE means the data is 32bit and slot width Is 32bit, this is not in data sheet.
Best regards Wang shengjiu
On 1/3/19 3:50 pm, Nicolin Chen wrote:
Hi Shengjiu,
On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 05:56:31AM +0000, S.j. Wang wrote:
cs42xx8 is a 24-bit A/D and 24-bit D/A device, so the S32_LE should not be in the supported format list.
Signed-off-by: Shengjiu Wang shengjiu.wang@nxp.com
sound/soc/codecs/cs42xx8.c | 3 +--
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