Hello again.
I'm very sorry for my absence. As usual with works of passion, life has gotten in the way the past few months.
On 06/10/2012 03:00 PM, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
New patch below.
This one seems to work perfectly with Mixxx! However, the amidi dump still shows an extra 00 byte after every message:
F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 02 0C 09 0A 05 0C F7 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 03 00 08 03 05 0C F7 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 03 04 06 0D 05 0C F7 00 80 20 00 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 03 08 05 06 05 0C F7 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 03 0C 03 0F 05 0C F7 00 90 20 0D 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 04 00 02 09 05 0C F7 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 04 04 01 02 05 0C F7 00 F0 00 01 60 48 53 53 00 00 0F 09 04 07 0F 0B 05 0C F7 00
We should probably fix that.
BTW, which ALSA version (and Linux kernel version) did the last patch go into, if any?
Sincerely, Sean M. Pappalardo "D.J. Pegasus" Mixxx Developer - Controller Specialist