A little bit of an unorthodox request but I need my custom PCM driver to connect directly to another PCM driver if possible. I have an application that already sees my custom PCM driver as the connected sound card, but I also need to pipe the PCM data within my driver after altering it out to another PCM of my choice ( my actual sound card ).
As an example, my PCM driver acts as a sound card connected to a microphone capture application, within the my custom PCM I've added various "dalek" and other voice changing alterations and now I need to output this stream into my actual sound card. The sound card I need my driver to import or connect to is a DAC over USB and I believe the loaded kernel module is snd_sub_audio which I can see via lsmod. It's PCM hw:1,0.
So is this possible? An if so, how? Even the most basic information would be appreciated.