Actually, most of the hda_intel sound codecs support jack sense to a certain extent. They are mainly used to mute/unmute speaker and microphone channels when headphones or external microphones are plugged in. Some of the codecs support additional sensing to determine the type of device plugged in, but that is very limited in the drivers, mainly because of the diverse nature of the systems that these codecs are used in.
On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 01:03 +0530, Balaji Rao wrote:
Hello people,
How well is the jack sense feature in modern soundcards supported in the kernel ? I opened up a few driver sources like hda-intel and found the word 'jack sense' in some files, but i could not find it being used anywhere.
Are there standard interfaces in kmix or equivalent software that use the jack sense feature ? If not, wouldn't it be nice to have a standard interface to expose this feature so that kmix and others could make use of in a device independent way ?
If yes, I would be more than willing to contribute to its development.
Please clarify.