Hi Mark
AUDIO-CLKOUTn can synchronizes with L/R clock, and Salvator board needs it. Otherwise, specific frequency sound will be noisy.
Why would a user not want these clocks to be synchronous? A lot of CODECs will at least have better performance if their master clock is synchronous to the audio clocks so it'd be a better default, is there an advantage to not doing it?
I'm now confusing. We can set system clock on audio card, for example simple-card case, it is called as "system-clock-frequency". In my understanding, this "system clock" and above "master clock" are same clock. but "system clock" is fixed rate (= not related to audio clock in many cases). Because of this, some codec doesn't request synchronous between master clock <-> audio clock, but, some codec requests synchronous it. Am I wrong ??