Hi Shimoda-san, Morimoto-san,
Thanks for the report and to the testing team!
I'm afraid but, our test team detected an issue [1] on v5.15-rc2 with m3ulcb and ebusu. # Our test team doesn't test this on salvator-xs yet... I asked Morimoto-san locally, and he guess that using dmaengine_terminate_async() instead of dmaengine_terminate_sync() could be resolved. But, what do you think?
I agree. As I wrote in the original mail, I wasn't too sure about this change because I don't know the driver well. While I didn't find code handling an async case, the driver still too complex so that might have missed some details. This is why the patch was marked RFC. So, I totally agree to drop this patch and handle the issue the async way. Is it possible that Morimoto-san takes care of it? I'd think this makes sense because he knows potential race conditions better than me. If it is not possible, I will try to have a look.
All the best,