On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 02:21:03PM -0600, li.xu@cirrus.com wrote:
Thank you for timely feedback.
I have fixed all except following.
Please fix your mail client configuration, it is not marking quoted material as quoted and there's no word wrapping which makes everything very hard to read.
There's also random stuff like the above appearing in the mail.
I strongly suggest working with some of your colleagues who are more familiar with working upstream to try to understand the processes and tooling.
/* Enable HP detect */
regmap_update_bits(cs43130->regmap, CS43130_HP_DETECT,
Why enable this when the only handling is a couple of log messages?
Placeholder for driver modification when the driver is integrated to system such as Android OS.
I suppose I could remove it, but when the driver is integrated into actual system, it may not be clear to system integrators, where to add HP DET IRQ hooks
Don't just add unfinished code that does nothing useful - that just wastes everyone's time and makes the driver harder to review. I'm fairly sure that if people are able to implement jack detection they will be able to figure out the fairly trivial code that's here and of course this is something that when it's done should be just a driver feature accessed through normal driver APIs.