28 Jun
28 Jun
9:31 p.m.
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 07:59:35PM +0200, Sylwester Nawrocki wrote:
On 06/27/2016 06:33 PM, Mark Brown wrote:
On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 12:45:13PM +0200, Sylwester Nawrocki wrote:
- /* Brownout protection enable */
- regmap_write(map, MAX98504_REG_PVDD_BROWNOUT_ENABLE, 0x1);
- /* Threshold 2.9V, 3dB speaker attenuation*/
- regmap_write(map, MAX98504_REG_PVDD_BROWNOUT_CONFIG(1), 0x33);
- /* Attack hold time 10 ms */
- regmap_write(map, MAX98504_REG_PVDD_BROWNOUT_CONFIG(2), 0x0a);
- /* Brownout hold time 255 ms, brownout release time 255 ms */
- regmap_write(map, MAX98504_REG_PVDD_BROWNOUT_CONFIG(3), 0xff);
- regmap_write(map, MAX98504_REG_PVDD_BROWNOUT_CONFIG(4), 0xff);
Should these be DT properties?
I'm not sure, these properties define the speaker gain decrease pattern during VBAT brownout, it seems a system integration detail and will most likely differ from board to board. I'd assume it's acceptable to put these in DT, looking at other bindings. I've prepared something like this:
Exactly, yes - it depends on the characteristics of the speaker which is hardware. Your proposals look OK.