W dniu 17.03.2011 22:55, Paul Menzel pisze:
Dear Wojciech,
please do not hijack threads [1]. Using Mozilla Thunderbird you can easily compose a new message to a certain addressee by clicking on the address alsa-devel@alsa-project.org in any of the messages.
Dear Paul, I am using Mozilla Thunderbird for a while, but this e-mail was first I have send to the mailing list and it may be that I have done something out of ordinary, but step You have mentioned are actually once I have made. It was composing a new message by clicking on the adress
Am Donnerstag, den 17.03.2011, 06:32 +0100 schrieb Wojciech Myrda:
I recently purchased Asus e35M1-M Pro
OT: How do you like it? Any reviews you found useful on the WWW?
I was deciding for some time which platform use for my HTPC and this board was the first with low voltage processor and several PCI ports (2xPCIe, 2xPCI) that allowed me to place in it 2xDVB-S2 cards and 1xDVB card opossing to only 1 PCIe slot with Atom boards so choice was clear ;) As far as Linux experience with the board there is number of rough corners but level of support is already increasing by the day
and I would like to get souround sound going from my 5.1 system. I have it connected accordingly to the manual (line in - rear speakers, line out - front speaker, mic in - bass/center) but anywy I try that is using guides like http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/HOWTO_Surround_Sound I am not able to get sound from any other speaker then front left and right one. Alsamixer does not show any devices as shared to be available to switch to the output from input
speaker-test plays every file in the left and right front speaker at the same time
Here is my system information using 2.6.38-rc8-git3 http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=0dd55b4640a8afff1552c4d0be0105e416ad1cf3 and 2.6.38-rc8-next-20110314 http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a8733bf0083929540948f51b5f33d9c8a62d9994
Please additionally attach those files next time, since the developers (I think at least Takashi) prefer it.
I was not familliar with that policy. Will remeber it now
My question is what should I try next?
If I understood it correctly it does not work yet [2]. If this explains the issue for you please update [3] and you could also submit a report to the Gentoo bug tracking system (BTS). Maybe some developer will implement this. You could also figure out if there exists a ticket in the Kernel BTS and submit a feature request or, if it already exists, follow up there.
It does not work yet as it should. I have the stereo sound in few apps which allow me to pick the second audio device Realtek AL887-VD in the configuration menu. First is HDMI Audio which does not work yet with Open Source driver on Evergreen chipset [4]. I am bugging xf86-video-ati guys about it to get that supported as well :P .However sourround does not work in any configuration as card is not detected properly. Alsamixer does not make "Line In" and "Mic In" as shared devices and I am not able to configure them as output. Board user guide says that "Line In" should work as "Rear Speakers Out" and "Mic In" should work as "Bass/Center"
I'll create bug report with Gentoo bug tracking system, but looking at the matter historicly in case of drivers Gentoo it is very depended on the upstream to resolve bugs in them.
I must say I didn't know I should create bug with Kernel BTS. Alsa-devel mailing list seemed most appropriate place to seek help after forums and IRC
Thanks and good luck,
[2] was a great read and will definely get back to it once video driver allows it but for now I would like to concenrate on proper mini jacks configuration
Regards, Wojciech
[1] http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Mailing_list_netiquette [2] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4D3F1702.1090309%40... [3] http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/HOWTO_Surround_Sound