Please just fix it, the fix is simply to move those "cases" a few lines down. The mcasp code in my tree is severely bashed because i'm using it to record from up to 8 codecs simultaneously...
Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,
Mike Looijmans
TOPIC Embedded Systems Eindhovenseweg 32-C, NL-5683 KH Best Postbus 440, NL-5680 AK Best Telefoon: (+31) - (0)499 - 33.69.79 Telefax: (+31) - (0)499 - 33.69.70 E-mail: mike.looijmans@topic.nl Website: www.topic.nl
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On 09.10.2012 11:41, Mike Looijmans wrote:
Sorry for the lack of quoting, but I onle get the digest.
These are wrong:
case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_U24_LE: + case
These pack a 24-bit sample value in a 32-bit word. The codec will send 32 bits to the McASP, and you should transfer 32 bits to the user, not just 24. Hence, SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_S24_LE must be treated just like SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_S32_LE.
I've tested that on a DA850-alike board with several TLV320AIC3256 codecs, treating them as 3-byte samples will reasult in invalid data.
Ok, thanks for reporting this. Would like to send a patch or want me to fix it?