New Year's Greetings,
something that seems to be lacking in the ALSA API, or at least the way of describing controls (by name only), is any concept of the connectivity between the various controls and the codecs and output terminals.
One use for such information is to build a GUI that shows this connectivity (instead of the current bucket'o'controls approach).
Now there are a couple of special cases:
* HDA driver exports the codec widget information via a proc file, allowing the codecgraph tool to visualise the connections. Widgets have numeric IDs and list the IDs of widgets that connect to their inputs.
* ASoC DAPM (which I (not being an ASoC developer or user) have mostly been skimming over in this list).
Reading this 3. Codec Widget Interconnections. I can see that there are lists of connections. I'm not sure if these are visible to userspace via any API?
So: Can either of these schemes be generalised to all ALSA drivers? Is there some other way to reveal the information (Connections TLV, new API etc?) Does anybody else thing this is worth pursuing, or is it just me?
-- Eliot Blennerhassett AudioScience Inc