On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 02:36:58PM -0700, Caleb Crome wrote:
However, I'm still having problems getting the system set up with more than 2 channels. the rx51 and speyside don't quite do the same thing as far as I can tell: the rx51 is close -- it very nearly brings up the 'b' codec in the aic34, but I don't see how the TDM is set -- it appears to still be a stereo configuration.
There's an API for configuring TDM - snd_soc_dai_set_tdm slot.
Do I need multiple snd_soc_dai_links when configuring? In hw_params, I only
Yes, you will. Or invent a new interface. The current APIs provide point to point links between interfaces. If you're trying to do something different then you'll need to extend the core to support what you need.
seem to get 1 codec dai_link, so I can't set the TDM slots there.
What makes you say that?
Or are the extra codecs in the daisy chain considered 'aux' devices? I
No. aux devices have no digital links. In addition to looking at the existing code you'll also find a lot of background information if you look through the revision control history...