5 Jun
5 Jun
8:46 a.m.
I am trying to use tinycompress for hwdecoder. everything works fine, but after compress_open (with profile = SND_AUDIOPROFILE_AAC level=0 ch_mode=0 rate_control=0), the playback of my aac-ltp-16bit-48KHz-Stereo file is faster than it should be. Am I wrong?
struct snd_codec { __u32 id; __u32 ch_in; __u32 ch_out; __u32 sample_rate; __u32 bit_rate; __u32 rate_control; __u32 profile; __u32 level; __u32 ch_mode; __u32 format; __u32 align; union snd_codec_options options; __u32 reserved[3]; };