On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 18:36, Takashi Iwai tiwai@suse.de wrote:
At Mon, 16 Nov 2009 18:22:56 +0100, Wael Nasreddine (a.k.a eMxyzptlk) wrote:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 18:15, Takashi Iwai tiwai@suse.de wrote:
At Mon, 16 Nov 2009 18:07:40 +0100, Wael Nasreddine (a.k.a eMxyzptlk) wrote:
Thank you that actually worked, I have now both Front Left and LFE working, but it's very hard to tell coz the LFE is louder than both front speakers I even put my ear directly on the speaker and it still can't be 100% sure, but I think that for now what is working is 'Front Left + LFE', I can't hear anything from the right speaker.. but it's already an improvement to what I had.
Hm, if it's *so* loud, we should have a mixer control for this, I guess.
It's not *so* loud, but yea I appreciate a mixer for it yes! at least I can tell which speaker is working and also I can listen to Music without bothering someone else because with LFE the base is loud..
OK, how about the patch below?
Do you have any suggestion on how to enable the right speaker?
No, already out of idea... I wonder whether any other people suffering from the same problem?
Julien has the same PC, same OS, same Kernel, same BIOS Version, but the weird thing is that he is not suffering from this problem, which obviously led me to beleive a hardware defect, but it's working on Windows!
This is really weird...
Because the patch is not attached, I can't quite copy it correctly from Gmail, so I did it by hand (attached), I applied it but I don't see the mixer anywhere in alsamixer. I double checked the patch though...
-- Wael Nasreddine
Weem Chief-Development Officer - http://www.weem.com
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