19 May
19 May
6:22 p.m.
Dear alsa-developers,
Many thanks for your continuous work to make sound hardware work on Linux!! :)
Right now the Fast Track Pro works for Linux, but not with 24bit/96khz support. There's a patch for kernel version that works (see [1]), but it's kinda complicated to get it working (at least for me). I would love to see this patch integrated in future versions of ALSA, so that other Linux newcomers and audio enthusiasts can fully use this device out of the box. This is not just a personal plea, since there are over 180 responses on the topic at [1].
Thank you for reading this and thank you for all the contributions to ALSA and the Linux world.
[1] http://www.joegiampaoli.com/blog/?p=462
With best regards, Jack Schnippes