I played with CA0106 driver a bit. I wonder if we could make it set name for card and chip, in similar way to snd-emu10k1 and others. So... in emu10k1.c we have: 180 strcpy(card->driver, emu->card_capabilities->driver); 181 strcpy(card->shortname, emu->card_capabilities->name); While in ca0106_main.c there is: 1369 strcpy(card->driver, "CA0106"); 1370 strcpy(card->shortname, "CA0106"); Can it be changed? I want it do display Card in alsamixer as a board name from ca0106_card_capabailities list and Chip name to be CA0106 [chip->model]. Also, it would be great if we could name the four PCMs, like hw0,0 - card_name Front hw0,1 - card_name Rear hw0,2 - card_name Center/LFE hw0,3 - card_name Side (it's not unknown) Instead of just CA0106. Any ideas?