On Sun, 05.04.09 21:16, Wu Fengguang (fengguang.wu@intel.com) wrote:
I'll ignore this for now since Jaroslav mentioned drivers doing this are still experimental. But eventually we'd need to know some kind of 'end notification' for this as well: i..e if the reconfiguration causes multiple device nodes to disappear/appear we also need to know when they are all complete. A possible simple fix would be to issue an udev 'change' event on the control device after the reconfiguration finished.
btw, HDMI sink devices could be taught to generate more event types:
- hotplug The user connected/disconnected a HDMI device.
Wouldn't that overlap with the jack sensing API?
reconfiguration The update of HDMI audio capabilities due to some user actions.
pause/play of audio stream An advanced feature in Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) for high-level user control of HDMI-connected devices.
What would these be?
The HDMI audio devices will be created at module loading time, and won't be dynamically created/tear down on hotplug events. I wonder if PA is interested in the HDMI current-connectivity state?
Yes, we certainly are. I am not entirely sure though how to best expose this.