Hi Tzung-Bi,
On a platform, the four max98357a amps will be controlled by only one codec device, as GPIO for SD_MODE is shared by all amps and is the only thing to be controlled. In this sense, I think we can treat max98357a DAI as if it supports four channels. I understand that this solution is not scalable, because one can control as many amps as they want. Theoretically, the number of supported channels by this codec device is unlimited. I found that rt1015.c has similar usage. Do you have a better suggestion to support this kind of use case ? Thanks!
On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 2:20 PM Tzung-Bi Shih tzungbi@google.com wrote:
On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 11:47 PM Judy Hsiao judyhsiao@chromium.org wrote:
Sets channels_max to 4 to support QUAD channel.
Could you point out probably the up-to-date MAX98357A datasheet for 4-channel support?
On a related note, from the public datasheet I could find[1], "Table 5" only shows 2 channel's configuration.