On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 9:00 PM Kai Vehmanen kai.vehmanen@linux.intel.com wrote:
On Mon, 4 Jan 2021, Kai-Heng Feng wrote:
Instead of queueing jackpoll_work, runtime resume the codec to let it use different jack detection methods based on jackpoll_interval.
hmm, but jackpoll_work() does the same thing, right? So end result should be the same.
It depends on the jackpoll_interval value. But yes the end result should be the same.
This matches SOF driver's behavior with commit a6e7d0a4bdb0 ("ALSA: hda: fix jack detection with Realtek codecs when in D3"). Since SOF only uses Realtek codec, we don't need any additional check for the resume.
This is not quite correct. First, SOF does support any HDA codec, not just Realteks (see e.g. https://github.com/thesofproject/linux/issues/1807), and second, this doesn't really match the hda_intel.c patch you mention. SOF implements a more conservative approach where we basicly assume codec->forced_resume=1 to always apply, and do not implement support for codec->relaxed_resume. So the above patch doesn't fully apply to SOF as the design is not same.
OK, I assumed SOF always use Realtek codec, so codec->forced_resume=1 is always applied like the other patch. I'll remove this section.
diff --git a/sound/soc/sof/intel/hda-codec.c b/sound/soc/sof/intel/hda-codec.c index 6875fa570c2c..df59c79cfdfc 100644 --- a/sound/soc/sof/intel/hda-codec.c +++ b/sound/soc/sof/intel/hda-codec.c @@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ void hda_codec_jack_check(struct snd_sof_dev *sdev) * has been recorded in STATESTS */ if (codec->jacktbl.used)
I think this change is still good. Just drop the but about Realtek codecs from commit message and maybe s/matches/aligns/.
OK, will do.
Br, Kai